Sunday, August 15, 2010


Dear LORD, Please Bless this food that it may nourish our mind, body, and soul that we may be grater witnesses to YOUR glory. Amen.
Hunger. We all hunger for food. Physical food like bacon and eggs satisfies our stomach. Without eating everyday we would die. Our bodies can not survive without food. The thing is you can't just eat once and then go on with your life. You have to eat daily. To be strong and healthy you need to eat multiple times a day. And junk food doesn't work. You can't survive off of chocolate bars. You need to eat food that will strengthen your body.
Hunger. We all hunger for food. Physical food like bacon and eggs satisfies our stomach. But we need more than just physical food. We also need spiritual food. If we do not feed ourselves daily from GOD's word we will die. You need to feed yourself spiritually as often as you feed yourself physically. Its something we all need to work on. Reading our Bibles once a day isn't enough. We should constantly feed ourselves with JESUS.
But the Bible is just the main course. Devotionals, Worship, Christian Books (see side panel), and Encouraging Friends 'n family are also important to our spiritual health. Consider them the side dishes or desert. To get our "Daily Serving" of GOD we need to incorporate all the "dishes". Remember just like we can't survive off physical junk food neither can we survive off of spiritual "junk food". Its important that we watch what we put into our hearts. Junk food isn't always bad for you. You just have to make sure it doesn't distract you from the main dish.
We all need to make sure that were eating plenty of spiritual food. Get with some friends and check yourself on your Spiritual intake.
Love yall

Blessed are they
which do hunger and thirst after righteousness:
for they shall be filled.

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