Thursday, October 15, 2009


Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I encourage you to find ten things to be thankful for just before you go to bed. You don't have to share them with anyone but, as you are falling asleep thank God for things HE has given you. I am trying this with yall so please give some comments!

1. Healthy Grandparents/family
2. Safe town to live in
3. Woody
4. Clothes and Food - ( did you ever think about how many people go whithout????)
5. Music!
6. Bed (refer back to # 4 )
7. warm house
8. good Christian friends
9. Church
10. Dr. Pepper ( just a fun one but hey , be thankful )

I dare each and every one of you that from now until Thanksgiving you list at least 10 things a day, (they don't have to be general ) that you are especially thankful for.


1 comment:

  1. I'm thankful for:

    -my dog Thunder
    -Loving parents
    -my brother (can ya believe it!)
    -Granny and Nanna
    -our house
    -Jesus(how could you forget Him Erryka =P )
    -our computers
    -a warm soft bed
    -our fireplace
    -great friends
