Sunday, April 25, 2010

Doubting Thomas

So im having a hard time deciding what to talk about today. There are a lot of things on my mind right now. I want to talk about daily devotion, relation vs. religion, and worship. When just doing one subject i already write a book i cant imagine writing about three! But im not sure which one i should do. Today at my church was youth sunday. on youth sunday all us youth get to lead the service. One of the guys who spoke talked about doubting Thomas. He asked us if we ever doubt GOD, and told us that we need to communicate those doubts to HIM. Would Thomas have ever believed it was really the LORD if he had not voiced his doubts?

today i challenge you to voice your doubts to our SAVIOR.
love yall got to go mow a lawn


  1. Hello there!
    I absolutely love what you two girls are doing with this blog! I love the passion that you have for the Lord, so much that you blog about it to encourage others! Thanks for doing that :)
    And I enjoyed Youth Sunday, as well. The student speakers brought up great Biblical truths in their messages. And with this particular message about Doubting Thomas, I had never thought of this man in this way before. It was very thought-provoking!
    Again, awesome blog!
    --Amanda Garcia

  2. thanks so much! we love to hear what people have to say, and your comment is very much appreciated,

