Sunday, April 25, 2010

Doubting Thomas

So im having a hard time deciding what to talk about today. There are a lot of things on my mind right now. I want to talk about daily devotion, relation vs. religion, and worship. When just doing one subject i already write a book i cant imagine writing about three! But im not sure which one i should do. Today at my church was youth sunday. on youth sunday all us youth get to lead the service. One of the guys who spoke talked about doubting Thomas. He asked us if we ever doubt GOD, and told us that we need to communicate those doubts to HIM. Would Thomas have ever believed it was really the LORD if he had not voiced his doubts?

today i challenge you to voice your doubts to our SAVIOR.
love yall got to go mow a lawn

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


hey just wanted to let everyone know that faithblog now has an email account
if you have something you would like us to post on our blog let us know at

we will check the email at least weekly
love to all my sisters in faith!


Click on the picture to see the full size image

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Whats the point?

2 posts ago i wrote about a book called "To Save A Life" . One statement sticks alot tho.
Whats the point of all THIS if it isnt going to change you. The boy says that after he goes to a youth group and they are mainly just playing around , having a good time. Just 3 weeks before was the last time his friend walked through the doors, and the next day committed suicide. Now, get me right, im not at all saying church should be totally serious/no fun ever. But, i think sometimes we get way caught up with our "church group" or what we are doing and forget the whole reason were there. but seriously, what is the point of all this if it isnt going to change you. you leave the doors of the church, and immediately pull out your cell phone, computer, ipod etc. and it throws all that church stuff out the window. Anymore, being a Christian doesnt necessarily mean anything to me- Just because people use it so loosely. Even surveys have been conducted showing that 75% of America says they are Christians???? what??? who actually is living it out , really. I would more think that maybe 10% are really Christians. What does that say about us! people are obviously in churches. But , are they really saved.? So, i ask again. What is the point of all THIS if it isnt going to change YOU?

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Just a couple of things i want to say

first i would like to thank those who have commented on our posts that's the whole point of this blog! so thank you! Second i would like to make sure everyone understands what Faithblog is about and the few rules we do have. Our goal with this blog is to create a place where we can openly and truthfully talk about our faith and anything else that we feel uncomfortable saying to other people. I would like to point out that when you comment (which i hope you will) there is an option to remain anonymous please feel free to make use of this. Also Erryka and i do not know everything so when we ask a question we probably do not know the answer that's why we ask them so we would appreciate your comments and thoughts. Now on to our long list of rules 1. All comments must be "mother appropriate" so if your mom wont let you say it then don't post it (a note on this rule when we say mother we refer to the strictest of moms so keep your comments clean!) 2. there's only one rule so follow it!! Like i said its a long list . As of the moment anyone who visits can comment we would like to keep it this way so if you wouldn't mind following our long list of rules we would really appreciate it!! There's one last thing i would like to say regarding our rules list. This blog is currently GIRLS ONLY but in hopes of more comments Erryka and i were thinking of opening it up to guys. But before we do this we want your opinions. So if you wouldn't mind leaving your vote through a comment please do.

So i think that's everything Ive got to say
thanks for reading Faithblog and please feel free to leave a comment!
love to all my sisters in faith

Monday, April 5, 2010

I Love Salt

"You are the salt of the earth;but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men." Matt. 5:13

How much salt does it take to flavor something? Very little right? How much love does it take to improve someones day? A smile, a hug, a pair of ears? last week Erryka challenged you to take your eyes off yourself and look at other peoples needs. This week i challenge you to act on that. Now that you see what other people need show them that you not only see it but you care about it. Remember the formula for J.O.Y.?

I also challenge us to hold each other responsible to these challenges. I havent held through a single one yet!! which is sad since im the one posting them!! So find someone who will remind you and remind you and remind you to go out there and LOVE!!!

Love ya and happy belated easter!!!