July 4, 2009
I hope we all remember to stop and actually think
about today and what it means, rather than just run out
and pop smoke bombs, poppers, and rockets. Today is filled with mixed feelings for many people. For veterans, they might be thinking about the
significance of today and their service to our great country. To us, we should
remember that our flag still stands for freedom. We sould always respect
our country and flag, and our officials, and not only today but ever

Stop and Remember
9/11 and Signing the Declaration of independence, and the
freedoms that you enjoy every day that many have died to give
you thank our veterans and remember we live in God's
you thank our veterans and remember we live in God's
God Bless the USA !
Hey talking about our soldiers the LIfeway Christian Bookstores are selling bibles for $4 which you can write a letter in and they'll send it off to Iraq.