Saturday, October 22, 2011


I would like to welcome and thank Katie for agreeing to write for faithblog. Yay Katie!! She is a very talented and godly young lady whom i have been very blessed to know.  I would highly recommend you read her personal blog Wild at Heart.  And now that i have some accountabilty maybe ill start posting again!  Other than that theres really not much to say. Oh! as you can see faithblog has aquired a new look! after some input that it was to dark and looked satanic i am going to work on brightening it back up a bit more.  I would love very much to hear your input on the new design.  You can leave a comment by clicking on the "comment #" button below this (or any other) post.  As always for those who are a bit shy, there is a handy anomynous option when go to leave your post.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

One day

Someone finally volunteered to help with the blog . . . and three months later i have yet to get around to showing them what to do.  go figure.  so i am very sorry for not keeping this up to date or showing someone else how to keep it up to date.  one day ill get it done . . . one day

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Whom Shall You Fear?

yet again i have nothing to post about go figure.  Guess ill reveal another of my favorite verses =P.

I, the LORD, have called YOU in righteousness, And will hold YOUR hand:I will keep YOU and give YOU as a covenant to the people, as a light to the Gentiles.
~Isaiah 42:6~

And will hold your hand.  there are multiple instances in the bible that state GOD will hold your hand and guide you.  remember this today when something comes up that you are afraid of doing.  GOD is holding your hand whom shall you fear?  I am not afraid of death, because i know GOD will be with me here on earth and i will be with HIM for eternity after.  I am not afraid of the dark, because i know GOD is with me.  I am not afraid of pain, because i know GOD is with me through it holding my hand, that i can squeeze as hard as i want, and that HE, who died on the cross, can understand what i am going through.  I am not afraid of Satan, because i know with GOD at my side Satan is powerless against me.  I am truly afraid of one thing, and that one thing can open the way to all other fears.  I am afraid of walking away from CHRIST, not that HE will leave me but that i will leave HIM.  and without HIM i am afraid of everything.  
What are you afraid of?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Easy Peasy

GOD never said it would be easy, just that it would be worth it.

How many times have we heard that?  And it's true.  HE never did say it would be easy.  But you know what else HE never said?  That it wouldn't be easy.  Sometimes i find that i'm afraid to ask GOD for help because i fear that it will be harder to do it with HIS help than without.  How silly is that?  But that is what we are taught.  That it wont be easy.  And because of that we get the mind set that it is harder to follow GOD than to not.  How wrong we are!  Is it easier to climb over the mountain by yourself or with someone by your side?  What we are really seeing is the valley that leads the other direction.  It would be much easier to follow the valley than climb the mountain.  but the valley doesn't take us where we want to go.  So yes it is harder to follow GOD than to not, but we wont get where we want to be if we don't.  But don't be fooled into thinking it will always be hard.  HE never said that.  Sometimes it might just be that easy, but you'll never know until you start the journey.  
Love yall,

Monday, February 21, 2011

Isaiah 43:1b-3a

Another one of my favorite verses:

Isaiah 43:1b-3a
"Fear not for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by your name;
You are MINE.
When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
And through the rivers,
They shall not overflow you.
When you walk through the fire,
You shall not be burned,
Nor shall the flame scorch you.
For I am the LORD your GOD,
The HOLY ONE of Israel,

We are HIS!  Even when flooded by the worries of this life HE will not forsake us!  
this may have been just what you needed to hear today or you might know someone who needs to hear that.
let us know how it impacts your life!
we love to hear from you
love yall and keep safe

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

God Buffet

I love to eat at buffets!  Especially Chinese buffets.  Just thinking about all the different choices makes my mouth water.  The best thing is, i don't have eat anything i don't like... 

Who is GOD?  Many people might say that HE is good or kind.  1 John 4:8 and 16 says "GOD is love".   Some people believe that GOD is simply the "Great Clock-winder" and others believe that HE is an angry God.  If you read only a few chapters of the Bible the amount of descriptions for God is overwhelming.  It is from this "God Buffet" that we pick and choose the characteristics of our god*.  we each have our own tastes and thoughts about who GOD is and what HE is like.  We try to create the CREATOR.  its like a make your own god* factory.  As ridiculous as it sounds its something we all try to do.  But GOD can not be molded to our liking.  As HE says to Moses "I AM who I AM." 

I encourage you today to take a look at the ingredients in your god* and then check out the Bible to see what GOD is really like.  remember you cant just exclude the stuff you don't want, GOD is who HE is.
Id love to hear what Scripture tells you about GOD!  leave a comment (by clicking the word 'comments' below the post) and feel free to make use of the handy little Anonymous name tag.

love yall,
* not capitalized because it does not refer to the real GOD but instead to man-made gods.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Slippery Places

The other day i saw a spider fall into our bathtub.  I got to watch as he tried to climb back up the slippery tub.  He would get about halfway up then fall back down to the bottom.  Then he would try again.  It was like putting the ittsy bittsy spider song on repeat,  he climbed up then got washed down then climbed up then got washed down, over and over again.  It was impossible for him to reach the top unless some else helped him.

The bathtub is kind of like life.  A slippery wall that we must climb up to reach the prize. And as we try to climb back up we continue to slide back down.  Just like the spider we cant do it on our own.  Its impossible.  The tub is just to slippery and we just cant find a dry route up.  But GOD wants to help.  All HE is waiting for is for us to ask.  It is a long climb back to the top of the tub and we wont avoid every slippery spot.  But GOD will help us through it.  Just because you dont seem to be going anywhere dont give up.  God may be drying up a wet spot so that you can pass through or preparing you with the tools you need to scale the sheer face of life.  If you have hit a wet spot and slipped back down don't worry, GOD has had lots of practice picking people back up.  Every one of us has slipped at sometime or another and we often time find ourselves stuck in one spot, waiting impatiently for GOD to do something.  Dont get discouraged others have been there and survived, so can you.

I love yall all dearly
May God guide you through life's hardest places

Monday, January 10, 2011

In Remembrance

Luke 22:19
"And He took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is My body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of Me."

     Communion.  Depending on your denomination it is celebrated in many different ways.  Some churches have communion every Sunday, others only celebrate it on holidays.  Some churches use wine others use grape juice.  The differences go on and on.  Yet communion is more than a Sunday repentance.  
     Jesus took the bread and broke it.  The Free Dictionary by Farlex defines the term "break bread" as "to eat together".  How often do you eat with other people?  you probably eat with your family or friends everyday.  Jesus said to do this in remembrance of Me.  How often do we sit down to a meal and take time to remember the cross?  We may say grace before we dig in, but that doesn't mean we thank God for dieing for us.  Most of the meal time blessings ive heard go along the lines of Dear Lord, thank You for this food . . . amen.  Not that theres anything wrong with that but Jesus said to do it in remembrance of Him.  
     Next time you sit down for a meal remember what Christ did for us.  don't just thank Him for it but take a minute to remember Him.  

love yall