Sunday, March 28, 2010

To Save A Life

Recently I have been more keenly aware of pressure coming from all areas of life. I have read the book , To Save A Life, and heard the song How to Save A Life by the Fray. But I have only just now understood it. I guess I knew it was there, but I really didn't understand what all of it was, or that stuff was all connected. Teens are so pressured. Parents and friends only know the part of it, and me and Jacqueline probably only deal with a fraction of it just because we are homeschooled and therefore are not gone all day to a school. But it's very real. Music, friends, drugs, school, church, activities, photos, electronics, computers, cell phones, internet, movies, all these things are pounding teenagers. Mostly for the bad. Im not saying that all those things are bad, but so many times we walk around like zoombies, cause we stayed up till 3 in the morning on what? the internet, cell phones, friends, listening to music, doing homework cause our life is so chaotic with sports and school that thats the only time to do it. When you hear a song, and think the beat is cool, isnt the first thing to do is just go buy it? Look around though, there are people suffering all around you, and you and I are so caught up in our own little world, that we dont even look at somebody who is dying on the inside. I encourage you to think more about what other people are dealing with this week, you never know - maybe this week you will learn how to save a life.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


If you could have anything you wanted what would that be? Why? Because it would make you happy? So you would be joyful?

Joy. What an interesting word. We all sang songs about it when we were little. you know "Ive got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart! where?"or"Ive got Joy like a fountain in my soul!". But what does Joy mean? Joy is defined as "the emotion of great happiness". hmm... so why dont we sing " Ive got the great happiness down in my heart"? When i was little one of my sunday school teachers defined joy as JESUS first, Yourself last, and Others in between!! Puts a little different perspective on those two songs then "the emotion of great happiness"!
This week I challenge you to be J.O.Y.ful!!! Forget about yourself for thirty minutes everyday and live for GOD and HIS people!!! Its amazing how we get that emotion of great happiness when we serve others!!

Love yall
Pray you all have a week filled with great happiness!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Whoops i was supposed to post yesterday!!! oh where did that remote go? please Excuse while i go find it real quick... Ah here we go now to rewind time ... come on remote, work!!! Well so much for that ideal...

Have you ever wished you could rewind time? Maybe because you wish you could take back something you did or maybe so you can do something you didn't. There's a song by Kris Allen called Live Like We're Dying. It really emphasizes that life is short and its fast the chorus goes
Yeah, we gotta start
Looking at the hands of the time we've been given
If this is all we got and we gotta start thinking
If every second counts on a clock that's ticking
Gotta live like we're dying

We only got 86,400 seconds in a day to
Turn it all around or to throw it all away
We gotta tell them that we love them
While we got the chance to say
Gotta live like we're dying
I'm reading a book at the moment called Walking on Water by Madeleine L'Engle she says
"When we lose waking up in the morning as though each day was going to be full of adventure, joys, dangers , and wake up instead to the alarm clock and the daily grind, and mutter about TGIF, we lose
the newborn quality that is so lovely in the child.”
I have often asked GOD to give me life. Now I see that HE has, it is I who have failed to grasp hold of it. I challenge you to this week live! GOD has given us all we need HE is simply waiting for us to do it!

I hope everyone has a good week
love y'all