Sunday, September 27, 2009

Busy, Busy , Busy

Have you ever been so busy you can hardly think? I think everyone has been. You feel caught up in a whirlwind and it feels like it will suck you under. Lately especially Homework, chores, school, church, activites, animals, and obligations are keeping me on my toes and have made me fall a few times from the overwhelming time commitment involved. I like for things to be perfect alot , so , usually that means I spend longer on things than I probably should. While you are having a "Whirlwind Day" as I have dubbed alot of the days gone past, remember, the most inportant thing to do is to have your daily quiet time with God. Without it, you Will be disfunctional and will probably make desicions you will later regret. If you want to have a quiet time , but dont know how, start in proverbs and read 1 chapter a day and pray. Or if you will go to a Christian bookstore there are usually bible study books specifically made for your age group , these are extremely neat to go through, one I found inspirating is called Pure by Rebekah St. James. ...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Know that I am God

This Sunday I was asked why I am Christian. I replied "because I know God is real". "But how do you know He is real?" they asked.

How do we know God is real? How do we know this isn't all just made up? I say look around you! There are miracles happening all the time. People who had deadly diseases woke up without a sign that they were sick! Disasters happen and no one gets hurt! Don't tell me those people were just lucky or that its coincidence. How can God not be real? Just look at creation! That did not happen by accident!

We are told in Psalms 46: 10 to Be still and know that I am God. when was the last time you took time out to look around at Gods work? You may find His hand in places you never would have expected.

How do you know God is real?
plz share you thoughts

Monday, September 14, 2009

Eek! talk God! Scary

Why is it that we all seem afraid to talk about God? Everything goes fine until we are asked question about our faith. Where im from there is a church on nearly every street you can literally look out a window and see two or three churches. most people attend church and more still claim Christ. You would think we would have no problem talking about our Lord but yet whenever a question is asked the whole room falls quiet. I think for me its cause God is personal. To talk about Him is like sharing many of my deepest secrets. I'm scared about what people will say. I recently went through a time in my life when I wasn't sure about some stuff. I often sought my Bible but i never told anyone. When i finally did I found out i didn't need to fight this fight. A friend of mine is going through a similar struggle she has shared and has received the same advice I did but with half the pain. We are called to live a life as a community we can not do this on our own. Part of being a Christian is supporting others. How can we support the lost when we never get a chance to practice on the found? I want to urge you to share with others your hurts and pains and that when someone else shares theirs that you would be the first one to comfort them. This is what Faithblog-ej is about, being a community, this is supposed to be a place that you can pour out your hearts to fellow believers. no one can point and laugh at you no one will ever know who said it but they will reach out and support you. who else can we turn to if not our sisters and brothers in Christ? Please share your thoughts .

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Have you ever heard the song "Sounds Like Life to Me"? I think this song is very appropriate especially for this day and age. Some weeks are really awesome and wonderful. Everything can go according to plan and everyone shows up. You can win all your games, and make a's in every subject. But yet other weeks can go terrible. I've had weeks like that before. Just when you think things could never get worse they do.
Just think though, we have such an amazing God all we need to do is hold on through the tough and hard times and make it through... with God Almighty's help in our lives. Only when we give him total and complete control will things seem right, even though it might all look wrong to other people. And, of course, remember this is only the world that we are in now. Because of sin, things are going to go wrong, people get sick and die, you do terrible in school or athletics or band, or maybe you just seem to keep getting in trouble.
Just hold on and remember this is just a momentary life , a momentary trouble and that it will pass .